47 FREE habits that support your mental & physical health

Supporting your mental & physical health doesn't have to cost heaps. Here's some free ways to give your mind and body what it needs.

When it comes to supporting our physical and mental health we are big advocates of seeking the support of your GP and other health professionals - so please, please, please, seek the support you need.


here are 47 free things you can build into your life to support your health - choose your own adventure!

1. Go for a walk around the block.
2. Sit in the sunshine in the morning (be sun safe of course!).
3. Drink water from a dedicated bottle you take with you everywhere.
4. Call a friend to catch up.
5. Do a 10 minute at-home work out every morning - check out YouTube for free workouts.
6. Open your windows at home once a day to refresh the air in your home.
7. Do a 10 minute meditation every morning or evening (heaps of free apps out there to support this).
8. Do a daily puzzle to keep your mind challenged (heaps of free apps out there to support this).
9. Write a gratitude list highlighting what’s great in your life - write down a person, an event or a thing you’re grateful for.
10. Do a fruit and vegetable head count at every meal.

11. Delete social media apps for a period of time, or altogether.
12. Call someone and tell them why you think they’re awesome.
13. Give someone you love a hug - like, a big amazing hug.
14. Make yourself a playlist to jam to.
15. Make someone else a playlist to jam to.
16. Declutter your home.
17. Write down one thing you’ve achieved in the last 12 months you’re super proud of.
18. Ask a colleague what is one strength you have at work.
19. Hang a favourite picture or artwork on your wall at home.
20. Read a chapter of a book.
21. Repair something that’s broken.
22. Go to a local park and walk a few laps.
23. Make a coffee or cup of tea and enjoy it on the balcony, patio or backyard.
24. Wave to your neighbour and smile.
25. Water your plants - indoor and outdoor.


26. Wash your face.
27. Lie on the floor for 10 minutes and take 10 deep, slow breaths.
28. Read a blog on a topic of interest.
29. Watch some comedy on YouTube.
30. Play a mobile game competing against a friend or family member.

31. Write a short creative story - create some characters and a scene with less than 500 words.
32. Style and take a cool picture for social media of an everyday object in your home.
33. Clean your workspace - tidy up cables, put things in order, wipe everything down.
34. Go to a space away from people and make a loud noise. Sounds weird right? But seriously, just yell to the skies for some release!
35. Do a YouTube dance lesson and learn some sweet moves.

36. Learn one phrase in another language.
37. Put your favourite song on and sing along. LOUD.
38. Clean out your wardrobe and donate or give away anything you haven’t worn in a while.
39. Sit down with a pen or pencil and try to draw something in your home.
40. Go and watch a sunrise or sunset where there’s a great view.
41. Invite some mates around for a board game or trivia night.
42. Get out into nature! Find your nearest reserve, lookout, lake, wetland or beach and go there.
43. Release some frustration or anger by punching a pillow. It works surprisingly well!
44. Cry. Do it. You have permission.
45. Close the blinds, grab your snacks and do nothing but watch a great movie. Put your phone away and zone out for a bit.
46. Be bored. Seriously. Don’t make plans and just lie in your backyard or on the couch and chill. Put your phone away.
47. Journal! Write down what’s going on in your world.


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